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Beginner's Guide to Drone Mapping Software

Updated: Aug 7, 2023

Drone mapping is a method of collecting different types of aerial data using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV's or drones). Equipped with advanced sensors and imaging capabilities, drones can capture photographs and videos from unique, bird's-eye-view perspectives. These images are then processed through specialised software to create detailed maps, 3D models, volumetric measurements, and other deliverable.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction: What is Drone Mapping and the Role of Software

Drone mapping is transforming various industries by offering unprecedented data quality, increased safety, and improved efficiency. It's a revolutionary technology in many industries, including agriculture, real estate, energy, construction, and other.

In construction and energy, drone mapping helps in site planning, monitoring project progress, inspecting structures, and measuring stockpile volumes. In agriculture, it aids in crop health monitoring, yield prediction, and irrigation management. Real estate benefits from stunning aerial photography, while environmental management uses it for landscape monitoring, wildlife research, and disaster management.

The magic behind these applications is largely due to drone mapping software. This sophisticated technology processes the raw data captured by drones, turning a multitude of images into actionable insights. Advanced algorithms and computation capabilities allow these software programs to create highly accurate orthomosaic maps, 3D models, and topographic surveys. It's not an overstatement to say that drone mapping software is the heart of modern drone mapping operations.

The importance of drone mapping software is on the rise as industries realise the transformative potential of drone data. The software's capacity to transform huge amounts of complicated data into straightforward visual representations is remarkable. It empowers decision-makers with the precise, timely information they need, and as drones become more commonplace, the demand and reliance on drone mapping software are expected to grow correspondingly.

drone mapping DEM

II. Understanding Drone Mapping Software

What is Drone Mapping Software?

Drone mapping software is a specialised application that processes the raw data captured by drones to produce comprehensive and accurate maps, 3D models, and various other geospatial outputs. It utilises photogrammetry, a technique for making measurements from photographs, to transform aerial drone images into meaningful and actionable insights. This software can generate orthomosaic maps, 3D models, volumetric calculations, and topographic surveys, offering powerful tools for a wide range of industries.

The Role of Software in the Drone Mapping Process

Software plays an integral role in drone mapping, serving as the critical link between raw aerial data and actionable information. After a drone captures overlapping images during its flight, these photos are uploaded into the drone mapping software. The software then 'stitches' these images together to create an orthomosaic map – a detailed, large-scale image that corrects for the perspective (tilt) and relief (terrain) distortions present in the original photos.

But the software's role extends beyond creating these composite images. It applies complex algorithms to further process and analyse the data, generating 3D models, calculating volumes, measuring distances, and producing Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). Additionally, many drone mapping software solutions offer tools for annotating maps, sharing data, and integrating with other software systems for more advanced analysis.

Construction site orthomosaic

Key Terms Related to Drone Mapping Software

Understanding drone mapping software also requires familiarity with several key terms:

Geotagging: This is the process of adding geographical information (such as latitude, longitude, and altitude) to different media files. In drone mapping, photos taken by drones are geotagged, which help in accurate positioning when processing images.

Orthomosaic: An orthomosaic map is a detailed, large-scale image that is a composite of many smaller photographs taken by a drone. The software corrects these images for distortions and stitches them together, resulting in a high-resolution map that maintains true distances and proportions.

Digital Elevation Model (DEM): This is a 3D representation of a terrain's surface created from terrain elevation data. DEMs are used in drone mapping to create accurate topographic maps and surface models.

Photogrammetry: A technique used by drone mapping software to make measurements from photographs. It's the science that enables the creation of 3D models, orthomosaic maps, and distance calculations from 2D drone images.

Understanding these terms and the software's role in drone mapping provides a strong foundation for leveraging the power of drone technology effectively.

DJI Air 2s orange

III. How Drone Mapping Software Works

Drone mapping software is a crucial tool that takes the raw data collected by drones and turns it into actionable information. Data collection, processing, and analysis make up the three main stages of how it works.

Data Collection

The first stage of drone mapping involves the collection of data using a drone equipped with a high-resolution camera or other sensors. As the drone flies over the target area, it captures hundreds or even thousands of overlapping images. Each image is geotagged with its precise GPS coordinates, which aids in accurate image alignment and stitching during the processing stage.

drone mapping data collection

Data Processing

Once the drone lands and the images are uploaded, the drone mapping software begins the processing stage. Through a process called photogrammetry, the software aligns the images, corrects for distortions due to the drone’s movement and the earth's curvature, and stitches the images together to create an orthomosaic map.

drone orthophoto

For 3D models, a technique called 'Structure from Motion' (SfM) is used. This method estimates three-dimensional structures from two-dimensional image sequences. In essence, it reconstructs the flight path and generates a 3D model of the surface using the various viewpoints provided by the overlapping images.

drone 3D model

Data Analysis

Once the processing is complete, the user can analyse the output using various tools provided by the software. Depending on the application, this could mean measuring distances, calculating volumes, generating contour lines, annotating maps, or simply studying the orthomosaic map or 3D model for insights. Some software even offers machine learning capabilities that can identify objects or anomalies automatically.

The Role of GPS and GIS in Drone Mapping

Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play a significant role in drone mapping.

GPS is crucial during the data collection stage. Each image captured by the drone is geotagged with GPS data, including the precise location and altitude where the photo was taken. This information is crucial for accurate image alignment during the processing stage.

GIS, on the other hand, is the framework for gathering, managing, and analysing the geospatial data collected. It enables users to manipulate and study the data in various ways, from basic tasks like measuring distances and areas to more complex operations like spatial analytics and predictive modelling.

Together, GPS and GIS provide the backbone for modern drone mapping, allowing for accurate data collection, processing, and analysis. They allow users to go beyond simple visual inspections, enabling detailed, geospatial analyses that can drive decision-making in a variety of fields.

IV. Key Features of Drone Mapping Software

Drone mapping software is loaded with various features that enable it to convert raw data into actionable insights. Some of the key features that make these tools so powerful are:

3D Modelling Capabilities

One of the most impressive features of drone mapping software is its ability to create detailed 3D models. By analysing the overlap and angles between multiple images, the software can infer depth and structure, creating a three-dimensional representation of the mapped area. These 3D models can be used for a variety of applications, from visualising construction projects to studying the topology of a landscape.

construction site drone 3D model

Photogrammetry Features

Photogrammetry, or the process of making measurements from photographs, is at the heart of drone mapping software. It allows the software to generate high-resolution orthomosaic maps from multiple overlapping images. It also enables the creation of Digital Surface Models (DSMs) and Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), which provide detailed information about the surface and terrain of the mapped area.

construction site drone orthophoto

Volume Calculations

Another powerful feature of drone mapping software is its ability to make precise volume calculations. By creating a 3D model of a pile or hole, for example, the software can accurately calculate its volume. This can be incredibly useful in industries like construction and mining, where understanding the volume of materials is essential for project management and operations.

drone mapping volume

Terrain and Topography Mapping

Drone mapping software is also capable of creating detailed terrain and topography maps. Using elevation data derived from the drone's images, the software can create a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) which represents the Earth's surface's variation in height. Contour lines can be added to these maps to visualise the topography of the land more clearly. This feature is particularly useful for civil engineering, landscape design, and environmental management.

These features, among others, make drone mapping software an incredibly powerful tool. They allow users to extract a wide range of data from drone images and convert this data into detailed, actionable information.

construction site DEM

V. Benefits of Using Drone Mapping Software

The use of drone mapping software offers several advantages that make it an invaluable tool across various industries. These benefits include:

Precision and Accuracy

Drone mapping software provides unparalleled precision and accuracy when it comes to capturing and interpreting aerial data. With the use of high-resolution cameras and advanced processing algorithms, the software can generate orthomosaic maps and 3D models that maintain real-world proportions and distances. This ensures that measurements, volume calculations, and terrain models derived from these maps are incredibly accurate, leading to more informed decision-making.

Time and Cost Efficiency

Traditionally, aerial surveys required manned aircraft and lengthy data processing times. With drone mapping software, aerial data can be collected quickly and processed rapidly, often in a matter of hours. This speed and efficiency result in significant time and cost savings. Additionally, drones can cover difficult-to-reach areas, reducing the need for human labour and potential re-surveying costs.

Safety Considerations

Drone mapping software also plays a significant role in improving safety. In industries such as construction and energy, drones can be used to survey hazardous areas, reducing the risk to human surveyors. For example, mapping the face of a dam, conducting an inspection of a power line, or surveying a construction site from above can be done safely and efficiently using drones and mapping software.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Drone mapping software also has a significant role in assessing environmental impact. Detailed orthomosaic maps and 3D models can help in monitoring changes in the environment over time, such as erosion, deforestation, or urban growth. This allows for accurate environmental impact assessments and more sustainable planning and decision-making.

In summary, drone mapping software offers significant benefits in terms of accuracy, efficiency, safety, and environmental assessment. These benefits make it an invaluable tool across a wide range of industries and applications.

VI. Choosing the Right Drone Mapping Software

With various drone mapping software solutions available in the market, it's essential to choose the one that best fits your needs. Here are some factors to consider when making your selection:

Ease of Use: A user-friendly interface can make the process of drone mapping more efficient. Consider whether the software is intuitive and easy to navigate, even for beginners.

Compatibility: Ensure that the software is compatible with the drone models you intend to use. Some software is designed to work with specific drone brands or models, so it's essential to check compatibility.

Pricing: Drone mapping software can range from free open-source platforms to expensive commercial options. Consider your budget and the software's pricing structure, including whether it's a one-time purchase, a monthly subscription, or pay-per-use.

Customer Support: Good customer support can make a significant difference, especially if you're new to drone mapping. Look for a software provider that offers robust customer service, including tutorials, a comprehensive knowledge base, and responsive technical support.

Processing Capabilities: Different software may excel in different areas. For instance, some may be better at photogrammetry, while others might be more efficient at processing LiDAR data. Choose the software that best suits your data processing needs.

drone orthophoto of a dam

Popular Drone Mapping Software

Several drone mapping software solutions have gained popularity due to their robust features and user-friendly interfaces. These include:

Pix4D: A leader in the field, Pix4D offers a suite of software that allows for professional photogrammetry, cloud processing, and drone flight planning.

DroneDeploy: Known for its intuitive interface and powerful features, DroneDeploy is widely used across industries like construction, agriculture, and energy.

Agisoft Metashape: This is a stand-alone software product that performs photogrammetric processing of digital images and generates 3D spatial data, catering to professional users.

WebODM: A user-friendly, open-source option for those on a budget. It provides a web interface for OpenDroneMap, an open-source toolkit for processing aerial drone imagery.

Remember, the best software for you will depend on your specific needs, resources, and technical capabilities. Before selecting the option that's best for you, it's usually a good idea to try a few other ones, and the most of these software offer a free trial option.

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, drone mapping software has revolutionised the way we capture and analyse geographical data. It enables the creation of precise, high-resolution maps and 3D models, bringing unparalleled accuracy to fields as varied as construction, energy, environmental science, and many more.

With its key features like photogrammetry, volume calculations, and terrain mapping, drone mapping software not only enhances efficiency but also significantly improves safety considerations and environmental impact assessments.

Choosing the right software is critical to achieving the best results, and factors like ease of use, compatibility, pricing, and customer support should be considered when making this decision.

Remember, choosing the right partner for your drone mapping needs is equally important. Perhaps you have more questions or would like professional advice to choose the right software for your specific needs. At Stefan Engineering, we bring expert knowledge, years of experience, and a passion for innovation to every project. We're here to provide professional advice and services to help you leverage the full power of drone mapping.

Start your journey in drone mapping with Stefan Engineering today and discover how we can transform your operations with the power of drones and advanced mapping software. We're here to provide professional advice and services to help you leverage the full power of drone mapping.

Don't hesitate to reach out to us today. Visit our Contact Us page on our website or send me an email at

DJI Mini 2 construction site


What is the best drone software for 3D mapping?

The "best" software often depends on your specific needs and expertise. However, Pix4D and DroneDeploy are two renowned drone mapping software known for their excellent 3D mapping capabilities.

Is there a free mapping app for DJI?

Yes, DJI provides its own free mapping software called DJI Terra. However, the free version may have limited capabilities compared to premium versions or other commercial software.

What is the name of the drone mapping software?

There are numerous drone mapping software available, each with its unique features. Some popular ones include Pix4D, DroneDeploy, Agisoft Metashape, and WebODM.

Can I use DroneDeploy for free?

DroneDeploy offers a free trial, but full access to all its features requires a paid subscription.

Which is better, DroneDeploy or Pix4D?

Both DroneDeploy and Pix4D have their strengths. DroneDeploy is praised for its user-friendly interface, while Pix4D is known for its advanced photogrammetry capabilities. The "better" option depends on your specific needs.

Can you use Pix4D for free?

Pix4D offers a free trial period, after which a subscription is required to continue using the full suite of features.

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